From students to CEOs, we've helped people at all stages of their careers to develop and find meaningful work.
“Thank you for supporting me and improving my life and
those I care for. Your skill, wisdom and humour combined have been superb”
Career Development Client
“Our sessions were incredibly helpful - they crystallised a lot of thinking that I'd never been able to articulate before. I'm enjoying my job at the moment - so far it feels natural, and fun.”
Career Change Client

Case Study 1 - Finding a deeper meaning

James started to dread going to his job as a lawyer and longed for a change. Careers in Depth helped him to identify why he became a lawyer in the first place and how he could turn his perceived weaknesses into strengths to find his purpose in a new more fulfilling career.

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James*, aged 45, was a successful human rights lawyer with substantial earnings and a good reputation but he had recently come to feel that something was missing. His enthusiasm for legal work had diminished and he had lost his sense of purpose. He dreaded the ‘Monday morning’ feeling. He wasn’t sure how long he could continue. At the same time he couldn’t see how he could leave something so prestigious and secure and still support himself and his family. He applied to Careers in Depth because he knew he needed a career change but felt stuck with what he was currently doing. 

In the EXPLORE stage of the consultation process the consultant focused on what had motivated his original choice of career. It transpired that James had been academically successful at school but as a sensitive introverted child he had found it hard to make friends. He had been bullied by other children who resented the praise he received from the teachers who had held him up as an example for others to follow. His choice of law had been motivated by his sense of injustice and his desire to fight for others to obtain their rights in unfair situations (CONNECT). 

Once the connection with his underlying motivation of helping others had become clear, his consultant helped him to explore what he felt was missing in his legal work. James felt that he wanted something that would engage him more fully with other people than winning their court battles (RESOLVE). After a homework project of researching different helping professions James decided to train as an executive coach specialising in the legal profession (ACT). In this role his sensitivity, which he had previously felt was a weakness, would be a core strength (RESOLVE). He also felt that his reputation and his networks in the legal field would enable lawyers to trust him as a professional coach who would understand the particular difficulties of their work.

* Due to our strict confidentiality policy we prefer not to disclose details of actual clients' cases and have compiled these scenarios merely as an illustration of the kind of work we do.

Case Study 2 - Making a fresh start

Lauren did not know what to do when she failed her chemistry final exams at university. Careers in Depth helped her to reconnect with what she was always passionate about and to take the first steps down a new career path.

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Lauren*, now aged twenty-two, had obtained good GCSE results in physics and chemistry. Her parents and her teachers had persuaded her to pursue science subjects at A level. Subsequently she opted for a chemistry degree at university but failed her final exams, after repeating her final year. She returned to live at home and was unable to find a job despite numerous applications. She spent hours searching on the internet but couldn’t think what she wanted to do. She applied to Careers in Depth because she felt from the website that our service might help her find a new sense of direction. 

It quickly became apparent in the EXPLORE stage of the consultations process that she had never felt she had made her own choices but had felt obliged to pursue something she was good at without fully paying attention to the fact that that she didn’t really want to do. It emerged that she really enjoyed practical activities and making things and in particular at school she had a reputation for baking and making cakes for special occasions and charity appeals. However, she had also felt that this interest was inferior to her teachers’ and her parents’ academic aspirations for her (CONNECT). She realised that her identification with their values had blocked her ability to choose a career based on her own natural preferences (RESOLVE). She had forgotten all about her enjoyment of cooking and now she remembered that she had once imagined becoming a chef and perhaps one day having her own restaurant but she had never told anyone about that idea. 

In response to this re-connection with her original career aspiration the consultant at the end of the first consultation suggested that for her homework she could explore the catering industry and pathways for training as a chef. By the third session she had identified a suitable trainee scheme with an international catering organisation. Her consultant helped her to prepare for an interview (ACT). She was anxious that her failed degree would count against her. As they explored this she remembered that it had included the application of chemistry in the food industry and realised that this would be relevant in her new role. She subsequently obtained a place on the scheme.

* Due to our strict confidentiality policy we prefer not to disclose details of actual clients' cases and have compiled these scenarios merely as an illustration of the kind of work we do.

Case Study 3 - Natural authority realised

Angela was overcome with anxiety when she was promoted into a leadership role, despite having all the necessary skills and experience for the new role. Careers in Depth helped her to identify and work through what was holding her back, paving the way for her to step up to the role.

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Angela*, aged 45, was a deputy head in a boys’ school and was popular with the staff, the boys and the parents as an intermediary between them and the Head. When the Head retired Angela was the obvious person to replace him as the school’s first Headmistress. To her surprise she found herself unexpectedly overwhelmed by anxiety when she had to take up her authority over the senior male teachers. She realised that she was continuing with her old deputy role as their helper rather than exercising her new role as their manager. She was having sleepless nights and was frightened that she might have to resign and that this would damage her teaching career. 

She applied to Careers in Depth because she felt she needed support in her career development, rather than wanting a career change. In the EXPLORE stage she realised that part of her difficulty was that she was relying on male approval and that exercising her new managerial authority risked the disapproval of her predominantly male staff. Further exploration of her family background revealed that she had been the youngest child and her father’s favourite. Her career consultant helped her separate from her identification with her junior role as the youngest child and her need to be ‘daddy’s girl’ (CONNECT). 

She then remembered that she had been Head Girl and a team captain in a mixed school and had had a strong identification with her own Headmistress at the time who had supported her and whose example had inspired her to choose a teaching career. This re-connection with her headmistress, as well her own successful exercise of leadership, strengthened her internal sense of authority (RESOLVE). Her anxiety diminished and she began to enjoy her new role (ACT).

* Due to our strict confidentiality policy we prefer not to disclose details of actual clients' cases and have compiled these scenarios merely as an illustration of the kind of work we do.

Case Study 4 - Opportunity arising from a crisis

When George, a very talented creative director, was made redundant he began to feel inadequate. Careers in Depth helped him look at the problem from a different angle and to seek a change of environment that would maximise the expressions of his considerable natural talents.

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