“It is the ultimate luxury to combine passion and contribution.
It's also a very clear path to happiness”

Career Choice for Young People

Is this the right service for me?

Our Career Choice service is for young people from the age of 18 up to graduate age and beyond who are making a choice about their next step.
This service could be right for you if:
  • You are 18 or over and choosing your next step, be it further studies or a job
  • You are at university and worried about your career choice
  • You are an all rounder who does not know what you would be best at
  • You feel a discord between what you want and what others want for you

How can we help?

Approximately half of UK graduates do not go on to work in their chosen field of study and 66% of Millennials want to change their career. Many of our clients come to us after experiencing disillusionment either with their degree or chosen career (after a bout of work experience, for example).

The reality is that many young people choose a career that is unsuitable for them because they either do not have enough self-awareness or sufficient understanding of what a particular role is like.

Our career consultants specialise in looking at the personal, the role and the organisational context to bring about a more harmonious solution for the individual. 

We have worked with CASS Business School, Tanaka Business School of Imperial College and International Hellenic University to help young people make and implement the next steps in their career and help them make a decision about their future, with the support of an experienced career consultant.

What is our approach?

Our career consultants have applied their unique four step methodology with students both in the UK and in Europe to help them discover what it is that drives them as an individual and what they want out of a career.

We understand that looking at yourself is never easy and making choices about your career is all about being ready to leave behind your childhood, which can be both desirable and tough. Our career consultants facilitate a process to encourage this resolution and to help you make an informed choice about what you want to do next.

Find out more
Career consultants always work one-to-one with their clients. Whatever emerges in the consultations is strictly confidential. Where a third party is paying for an individual’s consultations (such as an employer or parent) any feedback communication is discussed with the client and agreed before it may be given.